Tuesday, November 28, 2006

How To Make Your Relationship Stronger Once You Get Older

How was the honeymoon? I hope it was great. Now, after you got married, you will have more chance to get to know your partner closer. Isn't that the thing we have to do before we get married? Well,...the answer is yes or no. And this is the reason why divorce rate never get any better.

To get to know your partner better, you should:

1. Always have open communication to each other

2. Trust each other

3. Share the burden

4. Share your interest

Making a marriage last takes work and many couples simply just grow apart. This issue is very common in couples that marry young, and it is easy to understand. At age eighteen or twenty one, you are certainly a very different person than you will be at age 35.

When you are young, your interests and direction are still evolving. And, when that evolution begins to slow and the couple find themselves in their thirties or forties, they may suddenly discover that they have grown apart.

If you find yourself approaching middle age (35 to 45 ) with little in common with your spouse, you may feel like strangers. Maybe you’ve run out of things to talk about – other than your children – or you find yourself alone on a Sunday morning, trying to remember what to say.

One thing that helps keep couples together is to have common interests or hobbies. It is a disaster if you don't share the same hobby. You like fishing while your wife like shopping. Your wife say it is better to buy fish from the fish market. However, this can be compromised and you should make it work. For example, if both of you like sports, but you don’t have a sport in common. Perhaps you bowl and you work out at the gym, and your wife runs. So, you are both in good physical condition and you both like to be active. If you both like music and there is one kind that you both like, buy tickets to a concert and go see the artist.

There are small things that can bond partners together to make the marriage even stronger. Let's do it, shall we?

By Simon

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