Monday, October 30, 2006


Ever been in trouble with your wife or girlfriend? Of course you have, if you have known each other any time at all! We can't help it, as guys we always do something or say something without thinking that upsets our significant other. Saying you are sorry can get you of the doghouse when you've done this but only if she really believes you are sincere and remorseful. If she thinks that you are just apologizing to take advantage of the incredible make up sex, you will be in hotter water than you were before you started!

One of the things that shows sincerity and remorse better than anything is action. What I mean by that is making a conscious effort not to repeat the same offense again. If you find yourself apologizing time and time again for the same offense not only does it show a lack of remorse but also shows that you really don't care about what upset her.

If you know the exact reason she is upset, then apologize for that exact thing. Just saying you are sorry without knowing the reason is not only insincere but also sets you up for repeating it because you don't know what it is you need to avoid doing or saying. If you really have no idea, humble yourself and ask her what you did to upset her, tell her you're an idiot for nor realizing but you really want to know because you don't want to do it again.

Don't ever apologize by phone if you can do it in person and never do it with a message or an email. Again, this kind of cold and removed apology shows a lack of sincerity and doesn't demonstrate that you are truly sorry for what you did. Take the time and effort to meet personally so that you can show how sorry you are and try to make amends.

If you want to go down in flames, go ahead and blame her for the situation while you are apologizing. I know that a lot of times the problem may have been contributed to by her, but the issue here is your apology. If you have a decent woman, she will reciprocate with an apology as well as long as you do it the right way. The only way to have your apology accepted as being sincere is to accept total responsibility.

Don't allow too much time to pass either, if you apologize promptly it will be better accepted than if you wait and she thinks you are simply apologizing to get back in her good graces as an afterthought. On the other hand, if you are having an argument and you try to apologize in the heat of the moment it is likely to fall on deaf ears because she will not hear what you are trying to convey. A nice gift can smooth things over too.

By Gregg Hall
Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Florida. Find more about this and sexy lingerie at
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1 comment:

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To me, actions speak louder than words.